Wish Upon A Star Canvas Light Art

Wish Upon A Star Canvas Light Art

Posted by DecoArt on Aug 31st 2014

Light up a wall with this wishful, backlit canvas full of stars and Americana® Multi-Surface Acrylics.


    • water container
    • palette or plastic plate
    • paper towels
    • pencil
    • #10 flat brush
    • #8 round brush
    • sea sponge
    • 11" x 14" canvas
    • star-shaped hole punch and Contac® paper or star stickers


    1. Place random star stickers or punched-out Contac® paper stars on the canvas. Lightly draw the moon in pencil. (A small plate works great). Using a #8 round brush, paint the perimeter of the moon. Using a small sea sponge, dab Chartreuse around the moon and over the stars. Carefully peel off the stars.
    2. Instruction #1
    3. Continue dabbing Chartreuse on the canvas, avoiding the inside of the moon and stars.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Using a #8 round brush, paint a circle around the stars and outline the moon in Blue Bird. Using a small sea sponge, dab Blue Bird in the space between the stars. Using a small sea sponge, dab on Cobalt, blending out toward the edges of the canvas.
    6. Instruction #3
    7. Continue dabbing both Blue Bird and Cobalt to blend. Using a #10 flat brush, paint the perimeter in Cobalt. Loosely paint the word "Wish" using a #8 round brush with two coats of Cotton Ball.
    8. Instruction #4
    9. To light: There are many ways to obtain the backlight and make this piece glow. Just be sure that you use safe, low-heat lighting and/or light bulbs.