Metal "Pumpkin Pie" Basket

Metal "Pumpkin Pie" Basket

Posted by DecoArt on Jan 19th 2015

A tisket, a tasket, this "basket" is made of metal and is perfect for carrying pies and other desserts.


    • water container
    • palette or plastic plate
    • paper towels
    • tracing paper
    • transfer paper
    • rubbing alcohol
    • scissors
    • 3/4" flat brush
    • ribbon or other embellishments (optional)
    • #1 liner brush
    • #1 round brush
    • pen
    • 1" pouncer
    • metal basket



    Let dry completely between painting steps.

    1. Clean the metal basket with rubbing alcohol and paper towels.
    2. Instruction #1
    3. On a palette or plastic plate, pour out equal amounts of Mint Julep Green and Americana Primer & Sealer. Use a 3/4" flat brush to mix and use to basecoat the walls of the basket.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Use the same brush to continue painting the handle with Mint Julep Green. Rinse brush. Use the same brush to mix and equal amounts of Americana Primer & Sealer and Burnt Orange. Use this mix to basecoat the inside of the basket with a 3/4" flat brush.
    6. Instruction #3
    7. On a palette or plastic plate, use a 3/4" flat brush to mix equal amounts of Americana Primer & Sealer and Buttermilk. Use a 1" pouncer to make random polka dots all around the bottom on all four sides. Save the mix for next step. Rinse the pouncer.
    8. Instruction #4
    9. Use a 3/4" flat brush and the mix from previous step to basecoat underneath of the handle. Rinse brush. Use a #1 round brush and the same mix to paint the thin rims on the handle and base. Rinse the brush.
    10. Instruction #5
    11. (Optional) If you want to put a certain pie name on the pie basket, print off a specific name in a font of your choice. Use a pen to trace and transfer "Pumpkin Pie" pattern onto all four sides.
    12. Instruction #6
    13. (Optional) Use a #1 liner brush and Burnt Orange to paint the words "Pumpkin Pie" on all four sides and to add stripes to the handle. Rinse brush.
    14. Instruction #7
    15. Add ribbon of choice and perhaps maybe some leaves and berries to make the basket more festive.
    16. Instruction #8


    "pumpkin Pie" Pattern