Painted Terrarium with Dragonfly

Painted Terrarium with Dragonfly

Posted by DecoArt on Jul 2nd 2019

Add a little greenery to a living space with this terrarium painted in Americana® Multi-Surface Acrylics.


    • water container
    • palette or plastic plate
    • paper towels
    • decorative moss
    • glass jar
    • paintbrushes
    • succulents



    Let dry completely between painting steps.

    1. Paint grass with a medium brush in Green Beret and Leprechaun, using a dabbing motion. Highlight in Chartreuse. Using the provided pattern as a guide, paint the fern in Leprechaun. Add highlights in Chartreuse and shadows in Green Beret.
    2. Instruction #1
    3. Use the provided pattern to paint the dragonfly onto the terrarium: Paint the outline of the dragonfly in Black Tie. Fill in the wings with Cotton Ball and shade with Deep Turquoise. Paint the body in Deep Turquoise and Purple Sunset. Add wing detail, eyes, and antennae in Black Tie.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Add faux succulents and decorative moss to the terrarium and use as decoration in a kitchen or on table top.
    6. Instruction #3


    Dragonfly Terrarium