Painterly Patterned Perfume Bottles

Painterly Patterned Perfume Bottles

Posted by DecoArt on Mar 26th 2019

Give the gift of art and fragrance with these perfume bottles painted with Americana® Multi-Surface Acrylics.


    • paper towels
    • rubbing alcohol
    • small and medium brushes
    • perfume bottle


    1. Wipe the bottle clean with rubbing alcohol. Use a medium brush to make random vertical brush-strokes in Flamingo and Ballerina.
    2. Instruction #1
    3. Use a medium brush to continue adding vertical brush-strokes in Peach Silk and Shrimp. Continue this process with all colors, this time using a small brush.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Use a medium brush to paint circles in Dark Scarlet. (Free-hand or use the provided pattern.)
    6. Instruction #3
    7. Use a medium brush to paint the insides of the circles using all colors except Dark Scarlet. Use a medium brush to dab Dark Scarlet in the middle of the flowers. Use a small brush to paint leaves in Inch Worm. Use a small brush to paint the stems in Dark Scarlet.
    8. Instruction #4

