Mixed Media Snowman Canvas

Mixed Media Snowman Canvas

Posted by DecoArt on May 31st 2015

Here's a whimsical canvas that will liven up any holiday décor with muted, watercolor-like color.


    • water container
    • palette or plastic plate
    • paper towels
    • tracing paper
    • transfer paper
    • scissors
    • 3/4" flat brush
    • #8 round brush
    • craft glue
    • 12" x 12" canvas
    • scrapbook paper
    • plaid ribbon
    • embellishments of choice
    • jute
    • printed images


    1. Tear the scrapbook paper and use a 3/4" flat brush to adhere the paper to the canvas with Matte Medium. Use a 3/4" flat brush to very loosely paint over the paper with Green Gold and Cerulean Blue, adding water to the canvas as you brush on the paint for a watercolor look. Let dry.
    2. Instruction #1
    3. Use a 3/4" flat brush to paint the entire canvas with Cerulean Blue. Immediately splash water over the paint; wait about two minutes; and blot dry with a paper towel. Set aside.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Repeat the background painting process with the reds: Use a 3/4" flat brush to paint the entire canvas surface with Pyrrole Red. Use a 3/4" flat brush to loosely paint the perimeter in Quinacridone Red. Immediately splash the water over the paint; wait two minutes; and blot with a paper towel.
    6. Instruction #3
    7. Use a pencil and the tracing and transfer papers to trace the snowman pattern onto the scrapbook paper and cut out with scissors. Find a hat of your choice online; print; and cut out.
    8. Instruction #4
    9. Use a 3/4" flat brush to adhere the snowman and hat to the canvas with Matte Medium. Use a #8 round brush to add rosy cheeks with a 1:2 mix of Quinacridone Red and Titanium White. Use a #8 round brush to paint the nose Cadimum Orange Hue. Continue adding colors of your choice to the snowman. (Add plenty of water to the paint for a watercolor look.) Use a #8 round brush to paint the eyes in Carbon Black.
    10. Instruction #5
    11. Use a #8 round brush to paint the pipe with Carbon Black and highlight with Titanium White. Use a #8 round brush to loosely paint the stars in Titanium White. Continue randomly adding more details (circles, Xs, and paint splatters) in various colors as well as in Titanium White.
    12. Instruction #6
    13. Cut the plaid ribbon to 10"and tie in a knot. Adhere in place with craft glue. Adhere the heart in place with craft glue. Cut two pieces of jute (8" each); tie knots for hands; and glue into place.
    14. Instruction #7


    Snowman Pattern