Vintage Jewelry Hanger

Vintage Jewelry Hanger

Posted by DecoArt on Oct 21st 2019

Hang the family jewels in style with this DIY jewelry hanger, made vintage with Vintage Effect Wash™.


    • water container
    • palette or plastic plate
    • paper towels
    • scissors
    • X-Acto® knife
    • foam board
    • large one window frame
    • E6000 Glue
    • lace ribbon
    • fabric
    • paintbrushes
    • clean rag


    1. Paint the entire frame in Lavender.
    2. Instruction #1
    3. Dampen a clean rag and, before the frame is entirely dry, wipe off the paint in areas to expose the wooden surface underneath.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Trace the inside of one square of the window panel onto the foam board. Cut out five identical rectangles of this size with an X-Acto knife.
    6. Instruction #3
    7. Cut five identical rectangles of fabric as well, measuring a 1/2" larger in length and width than the foam board previously cut. (This will leave room for the fabric to wrap around the edge.) Using E6000 Glue, adhere the fabric to the foam boards, folding around the edges and sealing with glue.
    8. Instruction #4
    9. Glue these five squares onto the back of the window pane, filling each corner and the center opening.
    10. Instruction #5
    11. Cut the lace trim in to equal lengths, measuring across the width of the open panes. Cut 12 pieces; adhere three of them to each open pane, spacing them evenly. Allow to dry and cure.
    12. Instruction #6