Girl in Blue Painted Purse

Girl in Blue Painted Purse

Posted by DecoArt on Dec 11th 2018

Add style to a plain tote bag with a portrait painted in DecoArt® Stylin™.


    • water container
    • palette or plastic plate
    • paper towels
    • 1" painter's tape
    • purse
    • paintbrushes


    1. Tape off the hardware on the purse. Paint a color block of Beige in the shape of a face and neck. Paint hair into a bun with Blue. Paint a "wind gust" with Purple, Blue, and White. (See photo.) Starting in the upper right-hand corner, paint swooping down to the bottom left of the bag, allowing some strokes to be unblended.
    2. Instruction #1
    3. For the face, add eyes using White and Blue. Use Black to outline the eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, pupils, and nose. For the lips, use Fuchsia. Outline the lips with Black and highlight with White. Paint the shirt in Blue and Beige.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Add a flower in the girl's hair and petals floating in the wind using Fuchsia with White accents.
    6. Instruction #3