Easy Ombre Heart Art on Recycled Materials

Easy Ombre Heart Art on Recycled Materials

Posted by DecoArt on Aug 1st 2016

Recycled wooden rulers form the heart of this wall art made with Americana® Acrylics.


    • water container
    • palette or plastic plate
    • paper towels
    • scissors
    • ruler
    • pencil
    • painter's tape
    • 3/4" flat brush
    • 1/4" flat brush
    • hot glue gun and glue sticks
    • cardstock



    Let dry completely between painting steps.

    1. Create the wooden canvas by laying out 11 wood rulers and hot gluing two rulers vertically on the back.
    2. Instruction #1
    3. Using a 3/4" flat brush, paint the entire wooden surface in Everlasting. Apply additional coats, as desired, allowing the paint to dry completely between coats.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Print out the provided pattern onto cardstock. Cut out with scissors. Center the heart onto the wooden canvas. Trace with a pencil.
    6. Instruction #3
    7. Using a pencil, lightly divide the heart into four horizontal sections. Fill in each section with a 1/4" flat brush starting at the bottom and working upward with Napa Red, Santa Red, Peony Pink, and Poodleskirt Pink.
    8. Instruction #4
    9. If needed, use painter's tape to achieve straight lines. For a crisp edge, use the 1/4" flat brush to apply Everlasting to any edges where paint overlapped.
    10. Instruction #5
    11. Finish the piece with a sealer such as Soft-Touch Varnish.


    Heart Pattern