Galactic BBQ Apron for Dad

Galactic BBQ Apron for Dad

Posted by DecoArt on May 9th 2016

Remind Dad that he's the best in the galaxy with this apron created using SoSoft® Fabric Paints.


    • transfer paper
    • apron
    • stencil brush
    • vinyl
    • Silhouette electronic cutting machine



    Let dry completely between painting steps.

    1. Cut out a vinyl stencil with the provided pattern and Silhouette machine. Apply the vinyl stencil using transfer paper. (Align the transfer paper on the vinyl stencil beforehand so that you can easily align it on the apron so it is straight and centered.)
    2. Instruction #1
    3. Remove the transfer paper carefully. (Pressing down on it while you remove it will help prevent the stencil underneath from bubbling or pulling up.) Remove the wording and lightsaber negatives on the stencils.
    4. Instruction #2
    5. Paint "best", "in the galaxy", and the bottom and top portions of the lightsabers in white.
    6. Instruction #3
    7. Paint "Father" and the middle portions of the lightsabers in light blue.
    8. Instruction #4


    Project Cut File