People of DecoArt: Rosemary

People of DecoArt: Rosemary

Posted by DecoArt on Jun 16th 2019

Each month, we want to introduce you to a person here at DecoArt. You'll learn more about the people behind the magic and even be able to ask them questions. Follow DecoArt on Instagram to be able to ask them questions during our "Ask Me Anything" sessions on Instagram Stories.

This month, the spotlight is on Rosemary who is the Helping Artist Coordinator and Marketing Assistant. The Helping Artist Program supports artists all over the world with products at convention classes and promotes authors, teachers, and designers in the arts and crafts industry. Rosemary has been with DecoArt for 27 years and has had many roles throughout the years such as Customer Service Representative and Consumer Show Coordinator. In her current role as the Helping Artist Coordinator, Rosemary ensures Helping Artists receive the best customer care possible and she works collaboratively with them to make the DecoArt brand known to artists worldwide. 

                                                                                                 Rosemary, Marlene Fudge, and Sandy McTier 

Rosemary's favorite part of her job is getting to know Helping Artists individually. She gets to talk with members of the program on the phone and over email and sometimes gets to put a face to a name at conferences and shows making a special connection. Rosemary said she has "made some wonderful friends over the past 27 years working with the Helping Artist program and DecoArt co-workers." 

Below are some of the questions our Instagram followers asked Rosemary during our "Ask Us Anything" session on Instagram Stories. Check them out to learn more about Rosemary! 

                                                                                            To make the video larger, click the YouTube logo.

Leave any questions you have in the comment below!